He viajado, caminado, recorrido y saboreado  el mundo intensamente, y todavía continuo haciéndolo, pintando, fotografiando, componiendo, escribiendo y todavía continuo haciéndolo. Aprendo y desaprendo cosas, continuamente,  evolucionando la gran virtud del ser.

I have traveled, walked, toured, and savored the world intensely, and still continue to do so, painting, photographing, composing, writing, and still continue to do so. I learn and unlearn things, continually, evolving the great virtue of being.

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The use of the content of the page is allowed under the condition that the owner is notified of the use and its purpose. To contact me you can do it in kysevenkuroi[at]gmail[dot]com


55 comentarios sobre “QUIEN SOY / WHO I AM

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog site and for liking my latest post. Thank you also for alerting me to your beautiful blog account this way! (While I only understand English, German and Turkish, I know I will find much to enjoy from your work.)

    Me gusta

      1. Dear Kysevenkuroi, today, I wanted to take the time to thank you for always making me feel welcome with my posts through your «Like» visits. Every time I post a new text, I very much look forward to hearing from you in that kind gesture. Please also feel free to post any comments on my blog site, at anytime. I would welcome them all!

        Me gusta

      2. Thank you very much for your comment, I like literature, philosophy, graphic arts, arts in general and talk about them, and my opinion because I’m interested in sharing art is love and love is life. Thanks for visiting my blog and I would like to send your comments to my email also. thanks

        Me gusta

  2. I so wish I could read in your language. Remember? A while ago I wrote to you thanking for your visit to my blog and since, I have been visiting yours but can’t seem to find any posts in English. So, I have been quiete on account of that. Today, I noticed you stopped by my blog site again and liked my Dying into love. Thanks you very much for your interest in my writing! I will keep coming back to yours no matter what the language…

    Le gusta a 1 persona

  3. Gracias, Kyseven, por seguir mi blog y darle al «Me gusta» en algunos artículos. Eso me anima a seguir escribiendo, aunque los lectores sean pocos. De ahora en adelante seguiré con expectación el tuyo, el cual, por lo pronto, inspira una alegría, magia y diversidad desbordantes.
    Un abrazo de admiración y gratitud donde quiera que te encuentres.

    Me gusta

  4. I have to be very brutally honest here, I WISH I knew what you posts say as I only know English! :-(
    But Thank You for visiting my Recovery Blog, Mucho!
    I have a Book Promoting Blog as well, https://anAuthorandWriterinProgress.wordpress.com
    I promote some fine NEW Authors there. Come by anytime!
    #OneLove in any language! XO

    Author, Catherine Lyon :-)

    Me gusta

    1. I will be brutally honest, my writing has many ungrammatical English, and my Spanish and Italian No, but the real reason is that the Spanish to me is more poetic and inspired more art. Thank you very much for visiting. and apologies

      Le gusta a 1 persona

      1. No apologies needed my new friend. :-) I to used to speak good Italian, as my mom was full Italian. abut through the years I lost a lot of what she taught us as little kids. Now I only remember the BAD words! LOL…LOL. *Catherine* :-)

        Me gusta

  5. grazie per aver inserito il mio blog fra quelli che segui. Sono affascinata dal tuo stile, la tua scrittura è «musicale», ha un ritmo che calamita l’attenzione…

    Me gusta

    1. hola tu blog lo encontre como siempre leyendo y dejando que me guie el instinto, dios, el universo, no se quien fue, pero el hecho es que estoy ya dentro de tu mundo que compartire con gusto con el mio.
      Porque casualidad? te dejo mi email en tu pag de fb

      Me gusta

  6. Gracias por entrar y pensar que mi entrada » Pensaron que Monetizar el tiempo individual de los seres humanos» fue bastante impresionante.

    He entrado a ver lo que estás haciendo y me ha agradado la erspectiva que tienes del mundo al igual que yo. Sigue así, aunque tengas pocos comentarios y seguidorees es normal. Lo importante es a semilla que siembras entre tus muchos lectores.

    Un gran abrazo,

    Juan Bernardo montejb

    Me gusta

    1. Gracias a usted también, mi pág. Es solo para personas como usted que analicen y disfruten el arte visto de mía perspectiva, y de la suya, analizando le que le motive o guste, no lo hago por seguidores, puntajes, comentarios, redes sociales, es más una manera de dejar mi aporte sin necesidad de medallas. Tengo mi mundo y estoy orgulloso de él, y de que personas como usted me visiten. Nuevamente Gracias

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